
kajiwara no chiyo

a forge-kami's shrine maiden, fishwife, adventurer and mischief-maker

The ancestors that tended the lonely shrine in the Ruby Sea's dark depths left her a heritage cloaked in the solitude of a dying god. Chiyo, youngest daughter of Yasuhira, the shrine's kannushi, brims with the pride of her ancient lineage, and her duty to uphold and honour her lost kami.

deep beneath the waves...

the grand shrine of hi-no-kagutsuchi

The shrine, some several-hundred fulms beneath the surface, stands on a volcanic seabed. The shimmering air bubble surrounding it was a gift of Kojin-magick ages past — in those days, they too had revered Ōwatatsumi-no-kami, the dragon aspect of Kagutsuchi, and built little shrines and temples all over the sea floor, of which this lonely place is the last surviving remnant. Though the air bubble stands firm, the view within is lonely. It houses the remains of a village, of which now only a single, red-shingled house remains in decent repair — the others look long-abandoned. As for the shrine itself, the thatch roof has seen better days, and the dark timbers could use a new coat of red lacquer. It's not a large place — a square building with a portico hung with yellow paper lanterns. A few of them have gone out.The Kagutsuchi Daimyojin, is, sadly, only grand by comparison to the little hokora-shrines that are naught but rotting timbers now, deep in sea-water, the aether sustaining their air bubbles long since drained. And so, the shrine maiden and the visitor cross the portico, hung with the knotted shimenawa, and enter the god's domain. Volcanic pools line a central nave, feeding long stalks of bamboo, and giving rise to a curling haze of steam. It's pleasantly warm. The far wall houses a table for offerings, and a door behind it leads into the sacred chamber itself.


shrine maiden of kagutsuchi-no-kami

The miko is serene as a plum branch, curved with heavy, white flowers, swaying in the breeze. Her sloe eyes blink at you, her mouth curled in an amusement so momentary that it appears fey, a trick of the light.


basic info

NameKajiwara no Chiyo
Meaning‘A thousand generations’
AgeAppears to be in her early twenties
BirthplaceMizuhanamachi Village, Rasen Kaikyo
Current ResidenceThe Ruby Sea
RaceAu Ra (Raen)
OccupationFishwife, miko
LanguagesHingan, Eorzean Common
VoiceMusical, low and playful


distinguishing characteristics

Her tail is thin and barbed, like a manta ray's. Scattered ivory scales curve over her body, forming intricate patterns on her chest and hips. Fin-like horns emerge from either side of her head, typical of the Raen native to the Ruby Sea. Her scales have a very faint lustre, like the nacre of a seashell. Her face is distinctly round and soft-featured, with full lips and cheeks.

Height5 fulms, 1 ilm
Weight140 ponzes
BuildSoft and fleshy, a rounded hourglass
ScentLotus flowers and rich, green, marine things; of the sea’s bounty, of salt and sweetness mixed.
HairHer auburn-red hair is waist-length, as fine as silk, and very straight when let loose. It’s trimmed in a hime cut around her face, with straight front bangs and longer sides that frame her cheeks.
EyesAlmond-shaped, large, and warm brown. Framed by fine, straight lashes.

in the deeps of the rasen kaikyo...

the shrine maiden

First impressions render her a simple, warm young woman, her manners only half-removed from peasantry. Her gentle disposition is reminiscent of a shrine keeper’s dutiful patience, and her maidenly charm – one borne of humble youth and beauty – is evident from her smile. Yet once she speaks, a voice that is at once mysterious and mischievous as a spirit takes over the maiden’s pastoral guise. She’s talkative, yes, and even blunt; and much, much wiser than her years. A pious creature, and an even more dutiful daughter – yet she is at times headstrong, impulsive and terribly curious.

PositiveCharming, loyal, responsible, insightful, warm, dutiful, playful, resourceful, clever
NegativeSelf-indulgent, materialistic, cunning, capable of ruthlessness
LikesHidden causes, a worthy adversary, tea, warm weather, meditation, incense, fine clothing and trinkets, fragrant flowers, spices, starched linen, folk tales and storytellers, indulgent meals, biwa
DislikesFalsehood, cold weather, plain food, skipping meals, cold drinks, being far from a body of water, corruption, messy rooms, being told ‘no’



the armour of tadashi

limited hook

The shrine maiden, passing a cup of sake to the mysterious visitor, smiles beneath her auburn lashes. “Have you ever heard the tale of the Fateful Fisherman, Okyakusama? Perhaps not — it is a local legend. The hero, Tadashi, was no more than a fisherman when he was forced to take up arms against the invading horde from the Steppes. But a fisherman know of war? He went to pray at the shrine of the Kami of Mizuhanamachi, for strength and the courage to defend his home. For his piety and bravery, he was granted an armour forged by Hi-no-Kagutsuchi himself. This armour was so strong that Tadashi took a thousand arrows, and never fell to them. Perhaps, Okyakusama, you have heard this tale after all, for it also speaks that the armour's final resting place is in my family's shrine. For that is why you are here, is it not?”

biwa hoshi

permanent hook

Coming soon.

the fishwife

permanent hook

The markets of Sui-no-Sato, Onokoro and Isari have often seen a red-haired Auri woman, hanging up mackerel by their dark red gills on a line, their iridescent silver patterns glistening in the morning sunlight. As the Kagutsuchi Daimyojin is not so prosperous these days, Chiyo supplements her family's income by selling fish and kelp; perhaps one of these market days, you'll cross paths with her.

charms and talismans

permanent hook

The small Kajiwara family have been guardians of the sacred shrine for generations, honing defensive enchantments and magics. Chiyo has learned mystical arts to propitiate her kami — along with practical ones to maintain the shrine. She is skilled in the making of ofuda and omamori that ward the presence of the spirits that haunt the mind and body – one need only ask for her assistance, and have the koban in hand.

blessed archery

permanent hook

Centuries ago, the Kajiwara family were given the task of safeguarding the many shrines scattered across the Ruby Sea, from lonely altars to great sanctuaries. To fulfill these responsibilities, the Kajiwara have mastered the use of charmed arrows and prayers to protect the shrines from spiritual foes, and practical archery to fend off more mortal dangers. Though the other shrines they once tended to have been long forgotten, Chiyo still practises these skills, and should the need arise, she will lend her bow and her sacred charms to any whose shrine — or home — is under assault by malevolent forces.


I value enthusiasm in my RP partners, so please feel free to reach out and geek out about plot ideas with me. I get excited about brainstorming and using each other's story hooks, and even coming up with new ones! I appreciate literature and literary styles, but by no means am I an elitist — I just want to tell great stories together.My tastes in RP have a distinctly historical flavour and focus on realism over more stylised portrayals, while still drawing from the myth and magic of Hydaelyn's Far East. I'm relatively new to Othard and Hingashi in roleplay, I'm always happy to receive lore advice, or suggestions drawn from real cultures where in-game lore is lacking!


  • discord Mossycoats#0001

  • timezone GMT+10

  • player She/they, 30+

yes, please

  • Dark, mature themes

  • Adventure, spirituality, Far-Eastern horror

  • Story-driven

  • In-game RP

no, thanks

  • ERP without plot development and pre-determined/forced romance

  • Elitism and excessive shit-talking

  • Exclusively discord RP